Category: PHP

  • How Can I Prevent SQL Injection Attacks in My PHP Application?

    As a developer, one of the critical challenges I often face is ensuring that my applications are secure. A prevalent security vulnerability that I encounter, especially in web applications, is SQL Injection. This type of attack can have devastating consequences including unauthorized access to sensitive data, and even complete destruction of the data. Let’s discuss…

  • Troubleshooting Error 422 in Laravel: Handling HTTP POST Requests

    How Can I Address the 422 Error in My Laravel Request Validation? Recently, while working on a registration feature in a Laravel application, I encountered an especially pesky 422 Unprocessable Entity error associated with validation rules for email and document. This issue persisted even after trying to modify the input values, so I decided to…

  • Calculating Subtotal for Variant Products in WooCommerce: A Guide

    How Can I Modify a WooCommerce Snippet to Calculate Subtotals for Variant Products? When working with WooCommerce, handling prices dynamically for variant products (like those with different sizes or colors) can be a bit tricky compared to simple products. I recently came across a common situation where a snippet was needed to compute subtotals on…

  • Saving Chat Messages Automatically to Database: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Troubleshooting Message Storage in a Database As a web developer, one of the common features I often implement in interactive websites is real-time chat functionality. Implementing this feature involves not only handling real-time data but also ensuring that data, like chat messages, persist through sessions by storing them in a database. However, troubleshooting issues where…

  • Uploading Images to a Laravel Project on Railway

    Troubleshooting Image Upload Issues in Laravel Recently, while working on a Laravel application, I encountered an issue when trying to upload an image to the public folder. The process seemed straightforward enough, but despite following the common practices, the image wasn’t moving to the intended directory as expected. Here’s a breakdown of the situation and…

  • Reusing Cookies for Seamless Logins in Laravel

    Understanding Session Hijacking and Cascade Logins in Laravel Applications In my experience with web development, particularly when dealing with authentication and session management, one of the crucial aspects we need to consider is securing the session against potential hijacking. Laravel, which is a robust framework for building PHP applications, offers several out-of-the-box functionalities that help…

  • Testing PHP: PHPUnit vs. Artisan Commands

    Enhancing PHP Unit Tests: Adding Artisan Test Styles to PHPUnit Output When working on a Laravel project, I often find myself toggling between phpunit for running unit tests and php artisan test for its enhanced output. The latter not only offers a more visually pleasing format but provides helpful additional information like the duration of…

  • Efficiently Storing Large Files in MySQL Database

    Handling Large Files in MySQL with Laravel: A Practical Approach Recently, I encountered a challenging scenario while working on a Laravel project that required storing a significantly large file (about 500MB) directly into a MySQL database. The file in question was a zip containing multiple PDF documents. Ideally, storing such large files on a filesystem…

  • Troubleshooting net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT and Blocked Status on Network Tab

    Troubleshooting Post Error After Hosting a Laravel Application Recently, I faced a peculiar issue after deploying a Laravel application which was working perfectly fine on my local server. When I transitioned to the hosted environment, every time I tried making a POST request, I was confronted with the following error: “ net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT”. Let’s walk through…

  • Troubleshooting Laravel Morph Map with Extending Models

    Understanding and Resolving Polymorphic Relationship Issues in Laravel Recently, while working on a Laravel project that uses polymorphic relationships, I stumbled upon an issue that had me scratching my head for a good few hours. The problem occurred with the usage of Laravel’s morph map functionality, where only the first model in the morph map…