Can Parameterizing GETDATE()/GETUTCDATE() Improve SQL Server Execution Plan Reuse?

In the world of SQL Server, performance tuning and optimization are crucial elements in managing a robust and efficient database environment. One of the ways to achieve optimization is through effective use of execution plans. An execution plan in SQL Server is a roadmap for how the SQL Server query optimizer will execute the SQL queries. Today, we will delve into whether parameterizing functions like GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() could potentially benefit the reuse of execution plans, thereby enhancing query performance.

Let’s first understand the example that involves SQL Server functions GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE(). These functions are commonly used to obtain the current system date and time (with GETDATE() adjusted for the local time zone and GETUTCDATE() providing the time in UTC).

Exploring the Query Examples

Consider the first example which uses GETUTCDATE():

SELECT [c].[ID], [c].[Name]
FROM [Customer] AS [c]
WHERE [c].[ActivationDate] > DATEADD(day, CAST(-7.0E0 AS int), GETUTCDATE()) AND [c].[ActivationDate] < DATEADD(day, CAST(-7.0E0 AS int), GETUTCDATE())

In this query, we are fetching records from the Customer table where the activation date falls within a specific range calculated based on the current UTC date.

Parameterizing Dates

Let’s compare the above with the parameterized SQL query:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [c].[ID], [c].[Name]
FROM [Customer] AS [c]
WHERE [c].[ActivationDate] > @__date1_0 AND [c].[ActivationDate] < @__date2_1',N'@__date1_0 datetime2(7),@__date2_1 datetime2(7)',@__date1_0='2024-04-24 01:32:14.4602195',@__date2_1='2024-04-24 01:32:14.4602223'

In the parameterized query, instead of having SQL Server calculate the date values within the query itself, the dates are provided as parameters.

How Does Parameterization Affect Execution Plan Reuse?

One of the principles behind execution plan caching and reuse in SQL Server is the consistency of the query text and the uniformity in data access paths and operations. When a query is submitted, SQL Server tries to find an already existing execution plan that matches the submitted query. A change as minor as a single space can lead to a cache miss, causing SQL Server to generate a new execution plan, which in turn consumes resources.

The use of functions like GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() directly in the query predicates means that each execution could potentially be different concerning the datetime values involved, because these values are always changing with time. This constant change can prevent SQL Server from effectively reusing cached execution plans since each execution could lead to different parameter values, even if the rest of the query text stays the same.

Real-World Implications

By parameterizing the datetime values, as shown in the second example, you provide static values at execution time. This allows SQL Server to treat the query text consistently between executions, improving the likelihood of execution plan reuse as long as the parameter values remain consistent between executions. Especially in cases where a query runs frequently with the same date parameters, parameterizing those values can lead to significant performance improvements due to reduced compilation overheads and better execution plan reuse.

However, it’s important to note that although parameterization can help execution plan caching, it also requires careful management. In scenarios where parameter values vary widely across executions, parameter sniffing issues might arise, where an execution plan optimized for a particular set of parameter values might not perform optimally for others.


In summary, parameterizing GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() can be beneficial for query performance in SQL Server, primarily by promoting execution plan reuse and reducing compilation overheads in frequently executed queries with consistent parameter values. As always, it’s advisable to profile and test your specific use case scenarios to understand the impact thoroughly before implementing parameterization as part of your SQL optimization strategy.


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